Finally there are hats that an alien might wear in order to hide a tentacle on the top of its head. When I saw this hat I knew it had to be one of these. The being in the red fleece simply has to be an alien.
Stock up peeps, an alien invasion is clearly on the way. The cry is already making its way round the underworld.
Maybe that is the top of the alien's head and not a hat at all.
Truly, what can an alien NOT do with a paper sack?
Looks like something straight from Dr. Seuss. :-)
People should not be allowed to walk around wearing such an item without also wearing a sandwich board explaining just what in the hell is going on.
Strange, some of the things you see.
Hey, how's your weird train mate these days?
OMG Mo, has Vic (What Were You Thinking) seen this? I think she would love this design for her alien hat collection. I wonder if it's foil lined?
looks like poop to me, maybe he is advertising that he is a shit head
Is it made out of a paper bag?!
Well... on the up-side, he's recycling!
That hat totally needs to be refashioned out of tin foil. I may have to do it myself and wear it on family vacation.
Umm... The olympic tourch needed to be hidden somewhere inconspicuous so that no one would suspect him as the theif from China?
People amaze me!
If Dr Seuss developed Tourettes he would definitely want that picture for the front cover of his sequel to "Cat in the Hat".
It could just be covering an "Alfalfa" cowlick gone terribly wrong...
I posted under the wrong profile last time. Oops.
that hat could ALMOST hide my penis..
I'm SO going to get a hat like that!
That street looks like Disneyland. What's the cute little pink shop?
BTW next time can you yank the hat off and take the second picture so we could see the bald spot that prompted such nonsense?
Totally stops the voices though.
I really think it's just his wino bottle bag. It doubles as a cool decoration.
After you took that photo, you tackled him and stole that hat for yourself, didn't you, MO?
You seems to live amongst the weirdest people. When I was in England I never saw any of this type of nonsense. I must have done it wrong.
I love it. We need more twisted-paper-bag hats in this world.
I guess I need to find my tin foil hat to protect my brain from alien radio waves.
Wow! There are Hat people, and Non-hat people. If I were a hat person, I'd definitely want one of those!
When they invade? Will they make us all wear them?
Because frankly, that style and colour would do nothing for me!
so THAT'S how those aliens do all that probing ....
If he was trying to hide a bad hair day, this is truly NOT the way to detract attention from himself.
I've always been a fan of the head tentacle. I think if you only have one thought you're kind of the whipping boy for other aliens. "Look, it's that loser with the single tentacle. Why doesn't he cover that thing up?"
Very good!! Clever observation.
Maybe... this is the new spring look? We are just very out of it. I am never in the loop on new trends.
Maybe he's on the run for rustling.
I'll get me coat . . .
Sorry it took me all day to comment. I was busy applying aluminum foil to all the windows in my house. I heard it keeps aliens from being able to detect you.
Sometimes it gets hard to tell the people from the Principality of Andorra from the Star Trek M-class moon of Andoria.
I hope they were from the former, not the latter.
On second thought...
(I sorry if I offended anyone from Andorra. I here that it is an astounding place to be FROM ie no longer there. Oooops, did it again.)
I'll hang up now.
I believe it to be a birthday hat, Mo.
Didn't someone around here have a birthday yesterday... which I forgot to mention on my blog because I was busy talking about kissing Scope? Hmm? HMM?!
Happy Birthday! I'm sorry it's a day late. And, yes, I'm appropriately ashamed.
I'm not sure what this says about me, but I gots to have a hat like that.
It looks fun!
And with a hat like that he still has a date!
Mo is that you wearing that hat?
I always ask myself, "What is the point of wearing that. What does he want?"
It'd be better if it was made of tinfoil.
if that guy sold his hats i would so buy one...
but it really is a nice disguise. it must be one of those 'so obvious you don't even notice' type one. that or he has already taken over your brain.
Mo? hello? You ok in there...
Nothing like living loud and proud. It's good to know the aliens do not plan on blending in amongst us.
Is that a paper bag? How clever! Although, I wouldn't be caught dead in it.
His hat reminds me of the shoes I used to wear when I was a kid.
You should have tried to light it on fire and expose the alien being.
That is quite a hat... Maybe he's trying to get some alien signal.
Bond Street!
oh my God, it looks like something we would make in kindergarten!
I love it!!! I want it..........
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