For the record Mr Muggles is alive and well, just a tad uncomfortable. I love cats (except when they scratch, spit, wee or glare at me). No animals were harmed in the production of this piece. and it does not contain nuts. The bizarre character with a huge bouffant and humongous glasses is Aunt Margaret.

P.S. Many thanks to The Jules and Gaston for giving me some awards this week. I'll do the honours next week.
P.P.S. If you are one of my new commentators and I haven't made it to your blog much this week then please forgive me, I will catch up over the weekend.
I think your Aunt Margaret and my Aunt Shirley were twins, separated at birth.
I'd recognize that perm anywhere!
i love it. i literally laughed out loud, this making little impact on my surroundings because apparently if i want to be amongst the first thirty commenter's i have to be up at 10 o'clock at night!
it is absolutely brilliant and i cannot believe you did that on a moving train.
you are now, officially, my hero.
'I iz her, Ant Mrgret' - Muggles
BTW, what's the backstory on Mr. Muggles' neck piercing that allows him to be hung on the coat rack like that?
I wasn't aware that you knew my mother.
I think you watched Mr. Bean - the cartoon - last night...
Thanks for telling me it didn't contain nuts. Your supposed to say shellfish too because some losers get rashes from shrimp too.
I'm glad to see mr muggles is home safe! I hope she washes the hot asphalt off his paws soon though.
Next time I'm pressganged into a game of Pictionary rest assured I am taking you with me.
Love it... and it is a bit like Mr. Bean (love him too!)
I love the way your brain works. Great picture!
LOL @ Tristan Robin Blakeman. "I'd recognize that perm anywhere!" ~ HIlarious
Ha, that's awesome. I give this post two thumbs up. And all the cat hair you can eat, courtesy of Tonya. Thanks for the laugh to start my Friday.
I am wondering what all the other people on the train thought of you crouching down to scribble a picture of a freakish old lady and a hanging cat. Did people start moving away slowly? can only assume that Mr. Muggles is a non-magical cat. I'm sure he'd be able to get himself off of the coat rack, to say nothing of being named differently, if that weren't the case.
Oh, hush - so what if I'm a Harry Potter fan?
thanks for the new word. . . puerile. . . you are quite childish.
Aunt Margaret looks like a hairy version of Mr. Magoo. I bet he hung his cat up once or twice, too.
yes, you have certainly confused me.
not hard to do somedays.
i hope the cat is going to be okay.
I'd snicker at your drawings...but it's quite a bit better than I could ever hope to do! :-)
Aunt Margaret looks like a giant fly. Poor cat doesn't know he's about to be spit on and eaten. Yikes!
Heh...cute mo.
That drawing was just too funny. I can't decide which character is my fave, Aunty M. or her fur hanging on the coat rack. Thanks for making me laugh.
Well... it's kinda difficult to know what to say, Mo....
I've got a couple students you can add to your cat rack. I mean hat rack.
Cats suck. Don't tell Marinka.
Hahaha, that art is fabulous.
Sometimes I do stupid drawings on lined paper and I love them, and then when I try to recreate them on good paper or on the computer, they never have the same spirit and energy.
That's 100 times better than I could do. Really.
I am pretty sure you are the next Pablo Picasso and we will not fully realize your genius until after your death.
I love it! That's much better than your last drawing--seriously! "Here, kitty, kitty!" Hehehehehe.
thats great!
I dislike cats. A cat lives in my garage because of my daughter.
Loved the picture!
Can you send me the original drawing? I'd like to color it and hang it on my refrigerator.
I like it. It reminds me a bit of John Lennon's drawings. They got made into a whole line of baby products. Mr. Muggles...I think you're onto something Mo! We're all gonna be rich!!!! Yeah!
I thought Mr.Muggles is the dog from Heroes.
Anyway, you obiviously used your time in that vestibule wisely.
Mr. Muggles would have fun with my Ms. Poopy. She is terrified of cats.
And please let dear Aunt Margaret know that I think she is gorgeous!
You are obviously brighter than I. I tried for about 15 minutes to figure out how to add the top commentator widget with no luck.
It's a 3 day weekend. I will figure it out!!!
I heart it!
That is brilliant. I'll trade you for some of my Star Wars art.
That is just downright silly.
And after a night of drinking and having to explain why I am moving to England... I am will tell you (again) that I LOVE the British sense of humor and can't wait to be immersed in it! :))
ANd now i'm just going to be obnoxious....
and comment non-stop
until I get on your list of top 10 commentators.
Because you are on my list and I'm drunk.
that made no sense, but I'm sticking to it!!!!
I seriously love your drawings lol But, well the cat looks like Satan ... or it looks like my cat ... probably the same thing actually ...
Either way, very sinister
(I'm so tempted to make a Mrs Slocombe joke right now)
Hope you're having a great Bank Holiday weekend, Mo
You had me at puerile.
You have an active imagination, don't you?
People who draw in glass houses....
Your picture looks fine to me! And the cat is holding up remarkably well, considering that it's hanging by its neck.
At first glance I thought Aunt Margaret was a light switch.
The jelly-biting play-by-play (above) is brilliant! Well done.
Love it!! LOL!! Brilliant!
kari & kijsa
I have a weird feeling you could draw better than me even if you were stone cold drunk and maybe a little high.
Funny depiction as it were.
I have a sneaking suspicion Mr. Muggles, if he is not already, might be on the brink of turning into a spitter, wee-er, or at the very least, a glare-er.
I need a coat rack.
You said cats.
They don't like me. I don't know why.
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